Michael Vai, Founder

Erica Morisco is our HR Director for our 2 restaurants and a 3rd on its way, she is basically one of the few people that I stop and listen to and I hear her words. She always has wonderful, calming advice, extremely competent, patient, and pretty much available whenever you need her. Erica is incredibly well organized and has a team of people all around her, Carrie Luxem, Meghan Griffiths and others that have solutions to pretty much any HR issues that come up! True professionals!! I only get impressed by great people performing great services and over delivering above and beyond your expectations. I can’t say enough good about HR Restaurant group. Thank you ladies for all you do for all of us. You keep us compliant with all state and federal regulations you support our efforts in getting better at what we do with personnel. You are a part of the backbone of our entire team. Awesome stuff!